Volume 130: Time and the Modern World. Standardisation, Globalisation, Privacy

Table of contents
Małgorzata Litwinowicz-Droździel, Introduction: Time and the Modern World. Standardisation, Globalisation, Privacy
Błażej Brzostek, Personal Watches in Warsaw, 1890–1914: Social Meanings
Alicja Maślak-Maciejewska, Sabbath and Sunday, Passover and Easter, Judaism in the Afternoon: Jewish Time in the Galician Public School
Augusto Petter, The Imperial Meteor: Time and Velocity in Pedro II’s Journey of 1876–7
Agata Łuksza, Time in Service of Orientalism: The Case of Polish Japanomania at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Katarzyna Ryszewska, Time in Polish Prehistoric Archaeology in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century
Małgorzata Litwinowicz-Droździel, Colonisation of the Future, the Time of the Émigré, the History of the Earth: Ignacy Domeyko’s Moje Podróże [My Travels]
Serhiy Bilenky, Laboratory of Modernity: Ukraine between Empire and Nation, 1772–1914 – Fabian Baumann;
Frank Rochow, Architektur und Staatsbildung. Festungsbauten als Instrument habsburgischer Herrschaft in Krakau und Lemberg – Aleksander Łupienko;
Raluca Goleşteanu-Jacobs, Habsburg Galicia and the Romanian Kingdom. Sociocultural Development, 1866–1914 – Konrad Meus;
Natasha Wheatley, The Life & Death of States: Central Europe & the Transformation of Modern Sovereignty – Piotr Kuligowski