Volume 116

The Wealth of Diversity Inter-religious and Inter-confessional Contacts in Central and East-central Europe in The Early Modern Era
Table of contents
Maria Cieśla, Communities and Their Temples: Orthodox, Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic: Religious Delimitations in the Historical Topography of Słuck
Mihai D. Grigore, The Space of Power. State Consolidation by Means of Religious Policy in the Danube Principalities in the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries
Eleni Gara, Conceptualizing Inter-religious Relations in the Ottoman Empire: The Early Modern Centuries
Kristina Friedrichs, Court Chapels in Saxony between 1697 and 1733: Augustus II the Strong between Catholicism and Protestantism
Adam Kaźmierczyk, Auto-da-fe in Lwów in 1728: The Jan Filipowicz Trial and Jewish Re-Conversion to Judaism in the Early Modern Poland
Thomas Richter, Coping with Religious Diversity in Everyday Life in the Borderlands of Western Europe: Catholics, Protestants and Jews in Vaals
Aleksandr Osipian, Between Mercantilism, Oriental Luxury and the Ottoman Threat: Discourses on the Armenian Diaspora in the Early Modern Kingdom of Poland
Jacek Kordel, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Eighteen-century Alliance Treaties of the Neighbouring Countries, 1720–72
Piotr Guzowski and Radosław Poniat, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as a Laboratory for Analysing Connections between Confessions, the Demographic Regime, and Human Capital
Lukas Becht, From Euphoria to Frustration: Institutionalizing Prognostic Research in the Polish People’s Republic, 1969–76
Cristina Álvarez González, Loss, Fatalism and Choice: The Moral Component in the Narratives of Polish Dissident Historians in the 1980s. The Cases of Krystyna Kersten and Jerzy Holzer
- Todd M. Endelman, Leaving the Jewish Fold: Conversion and Radical Assimilation in Modern Jewish History – Paweł Jasnowski
- Armin Kohnle and Uwe Schirmer (eds.), Kurfürst Friedrich der Weise von Sachsen. Politik, Kultur und Reformation – Maciej Ptaszyński
- Tomasz Gromelski, Christian Preusse, Alan Ross and Damien Tricoire (eds.), Frühneuzeitliche Reiche in Europa. Das Heilige Römische Reich und Polen-Litauen im Vergleich.
Empires in Early Modern Eu rope. The Holy Roman Empire and Poland-Lithuania in Comparison – Wojciech Kriegseisen - Tomasz Kempa, Konfl ikty wyznaniowe w Wilnie od początku reformacji do końca XVII wieku [Confessional Confl icts in Wilno from the Early Reformation Period to the Late Seventeenth Century] – Dawid Machaj
- Robert Frost, The Oxford History o Poland-Lithuania, i: The Making of the Polish-Lithuanian Union, 1385–1569 – Anna Pomierny-Wąsińska
- Andreas Helmedach, Markus Koller, Konrad Petrovszky, and Stefan Rohdewald (eds.), Das osmanische Europa. Methoden und Perspektiven der Frühneuzeitforschung zu Südosteuropa – Dariusz Kołodziejczyk
- Teofilia Mahler, Walka między ortodoksją a postępowcami w Krakowie w latach 1843–1868 [The Struggle between Orthodox and Progressive Jews in Cracow between 1843 and 1868] – Paweł Jasnowski
- Balázs Trencsényi, Maciej Janowski, Mónika Baár, Maria Falina, and Michal Kopeček, A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe, i: Negotiating Modernity in the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’ – Maciej Górny
- Erika Quinn, Franz Liszt. A Story of Central European Subjectivity – Maciej Janowski
- Bálint Varga, The Monumental Nation: Magyar Nationalism and Symbolic Politics in Fin-de-siècle Hungary – Maciej Górny
- Wiktor Marzec, Rebelia i reakcja. Rewolucja 1905 roku i plebejskie doświadczenie polityczne [Rebellion and Response. The Revolution of 1905 and the Plebeian Political Experience] – Maciej Janowski
- Agata Zysiak, Punkty za pochodzenie. Powojenna modernizacja i uniwersytet w robotniczym mieście [Extra Points in Recognition of Background.Post-war Modernisation and University in Working-classdominated Town] – Rafał Stobiecki
Short notes
Pro Memoria
Stanisław Bylina (4 April 1936 – 4 September 2017) – Martin Nodl
Piotr Stefan Wandycz (20 September 1923 – 29 July 2017) – Piotr Wróbel