Volume 117
Gender and Science in East-Central Europe
Table of contents
Claudia Kraft, Spaces of Knowledge and Gender Regimes: From Double Marginalization to a Gendered History of Knowledge in Central and Eastern Europe
Iwona Dadej, The Gender Order and the Disassembling She-Protagonists: Polish Academic Culture in the First Half of the Twentieth Century as an Illustrative Example
Sara L. Kimble and Marion Röwekamp, Exclusion and Inclusion in the Legal Professions: Negotiating Gender in Central and East Central Europe, 1887–1945
Aneta Bołdyrew, Merited, (Un)Appreciated, (Un)Remembered: Women
in Educational and Social Policy Sciences as a Scholarly Discipline
in Poland, 1900–39 -
Justyna Górny, The Image of Educated Women in Two Interwar Austrian
Novels by Female Authors -
Michał Piekarski, A Post-Doctorate in Musicology: Bronisława Wójcik- -Keuprulian and Her Path to a Scientific Career
Marta Grzechnik, Love of Wide Open Waters. The Polish Maritime Programme according to the Baltic and Western Institutes in the Aftermath of the Second World War (1945–ca. 1950)
Preface by Iwona Dadej
Marian Smoluchowski, Women in Exact Sciences. A Lecture Delivered at the Scientific-Literary Association in Lwów in the Year 1912
Łucja Charewiczowa, The Position of Polish Women in the Historical Outreach and Scientific Work
- Nataliia Ivanusa, Frauen im sächsisch-magdeburgischen Recht. Die Rechtspraxis in kleinpolnischen Städten im 16. Jahrhundert – Jaśmina Korczak-Siedlecka;
- Magdalena Gawin, Spór o równouprawnienie kobiet (1864–1919) [The Dispute over Equal Rights for Women, 1864–1919] – Dobrochna Kałwa
- Robert Nemes, Another Hungary. The Nineteenth-Century Provinces in Eight Lives – Raluca Goleșteanu;
- Dietlind Hüchtker, Geschichte als Performance. Politische Bewegungen in Galizien um 1900 – Nina Reusch;
- Tim Buchen and Frank Grelka (eds.), Akteure der Neuordnung. Ostmitteleuropa und das Erbe der Imperien, 1917–1924 / W poszukiwaniu nowego ładu. Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia wobec upadku imperiów, 1917–1924 [In Search of a New Order. Central Eastern Europe Facing the Fall of the Empires, 1917–1924] – Maciej Górny;
- Piotr Biliński, Władysław Konopczyński (1880–1952). Człowiek i dzieło [Władysław Konopczyński (1880–1952). A Man and His Work] – Adam Kożuchowski;
- Marcin Jarząbek, Legioniści i inni. Pamięć zbiorowa weteranów I wojny światowej w Polsce i Czechosłowacji okresu międzywojennego [The Legionnaires and Others. The Collective Memory of the First World War Veterans in Poland and Czechoslovakia] – Maciej Górny;
- Martyna Grądzka-Rejak, Kobieta żydowska w okupowanym Krakowie (1939–1945) [Jewish Woman in Occupied Cracow, 1939–45] – Przemysław Sołga;
- W poszukiwaniu innej historii. Antologia tekstów opublikowanych na łamach periodyków Instytutu Literackiego w Paryżu [In Search for Another History. An Anthology of Texts Published by the Literary Institute in Paris] – Adam Kożuchowski;
- Jerzy Kochanowski, Rewolucja międzypaździernikowa. Polska 1956–1957 [Inter-October Revolution: Poland, 1956–7] – Theodore R. Weeks;
- Agata Ignaciuk and Teresa Ortiz-Gómez, Anticoncepción, mujeres y género. La ‘píldora’ en España y Polonia (1960–1980) – Natalia Jarska;
- Ilana Löwy, Imperfect Pregnancies. A History of Birth Defects & Prenatal Diagnosis – Justyna Aniceta Turkowska;
- Agnieszka Kościańska, Zobaczyć łosia. Historia polskiej edukacji seksualnej od pierwszej lekcji do internetu [To See the Elk. The History of Polish Sex Education from the First Lesson to the Internet] – Michael Zok
Short notes
‘Łucja Charewiczowa’ Seminar in History of Women and Gender, Affiliated to Warsaw Scientific Society and Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences – Iwona Dadej, Natalia Jarska, Anna Nowakowska-Wierzchoś, Katarzyna Sierakowska
‘A Path by the Road’: Woman-Made Material in Men’s Archives in the Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw – Anita Chodkowska
‘Aspects of Social Revolt in the Second Republic of Poland in the Great Crisis Years, 1930–5: Determinants, Scale, and Consequences’. A Research Project – Joanna Dufrat, Piotr Cichoracki, and Janusz Mierzwa